Who We Are

Who We Are

St Luke’s ElderCare is committed to caring for our elders in the community through services provided at our Senior Care and Rehabilitation Centres, Active Ageing Centres (Care) and Residence (nursing home). We deliver a full range of integrated services and programmes for our elders that include centre-based, community-based, home-based and residential-based services.

Our services are tailored to support elders affected by physical disabilities from stroke, falls, or accidents, as well as those who are frail, lonely, and lack daytime caregivers. Additionally, we cater to elders seeking to maintain active, healthy, and socially engaged lifestyles.

We offer the following facilities and services:

* At selected centres only

Our Mission

To be a Christian healthcare provider enriching lives in the communities

Our Vision

Transforming Community Care

Our Values

Compassion, Holistic Excellence, Respect, Integrity, Stewardship, Teamwork

Board of Directors

Professor Neo Boon Siong
Honorary Treasurer
Professor Neo Boon Siong

Professor Neo Boon Siong
Honorary Treasurer

Professor Neo Boon Siong was first appointed to the Board in August 2021 and assumed the role of Honorary Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance, Investment and Procurement Committee on 1 September 2021.

He was the CANON Endowed Chair Professor of Business and twice served as Dean of the Nanyang Business School at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of The Navigators, Singapore, and an independent director of Chip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd. He was previously Chairman of i1 Ventures Ltd. He had served the boards of Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation Ltd, OCBC Bank, Great Eastern Life Group, Keppel Offshore and Marine Ltd, GRP Ltd, Informatics Holding Ltd, National Computer Systems Pte Ltd, Keppel’s K1 eBiz Pte Ltd, J Lauritzen Singapore, Public Accountants Board, Securities Industry Council, Income Tax Review Board, Goods and Services Tax Review Board, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore, and the Nanyang Technological University Council.

Professor Neo received a Public Administration Medal (Silver) from the President of the Republic of Singapore at the 1999 National Day Honours Award.

He has 38 years of professional experience in accounting and finance, information systems, strategy, research, business consulting, management education, and corporate governance. He is a leading expert in public sector governance, business strategy, process management and organisational change.

Professor Neo is a Certified Public Accountant (Singapore) and holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) from the National University of Singapore and MBA and PhD degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, USA.

Mr Chua Song Khim
Mr Chua Song Khim

Mr Chua Song Khim
Deputy Chief Executive
National University Health System

Mr Chua Song Khim was appointed to the Board on 22 August 2022.

He is the Deputy Chief Executive of the National University Health System since January 2017 and is responsible for Population Health efforts, Regional Health System Office, Alexandra Campus Development, National University Polyclinics, Family Medicine, Group Nursing, Group Allied Health, NUHS Diagnostics & NUHS Pharmacy business units.

Prior to that, he was the Chief Executive Officer of NTUC Unity Healthcare and Executive Director of NTUC Eldercare Cooperatives (2012 – 2014), led the successful integration of both Co-operatives to form NTUC Health Cooperative, and was appointed as its Chief Executive Officer (2014 – 2018), Group Chief Executive Officer of China Healthcare Ltd (Econ Healthcare) (2008 – 2012), Chief Operating Officer of National University Hospital until he was appointed its Chief Executive Officer of National University Hospital (2001 – 2008).

Mr Chua is currently the Chairman of the Ministry of Health’s (MOH’s) Healthcare Productivity Implementation Taskforce, a Board member of St Luke’s Hospital, a Director of CrossMedia Pte Ltd, a member of the Future Economy Council Essential Domestic Services Sub- Committee as well as the Advisory Committee of the School of Sports, Health and Leisure of Republic Polytechnic and serves as an Elder in Bethesda Christian Centre. He was the former Chairman of the Agency for Integrated Care’s Strategic Advisory Committee – Quality Improvement for the Intermediate & Long-term Care sector, a Board member of Jurong Health Services Fund, and a member of MOH’s City for All Ages Committee as well as the Healthcare Tripartite Committee for Workforce Innovation and Productivity.

In recognition of his achievements, Mr Chua has been conferred numerous awards, including the National Day Commendation Medal, NTUC Commendation Medal (Gold), Ministry of Health’s Health Leader Award and the Republic of Singapore Navy’s National Servicemen of the Year award (Commendation).

Mr Chua holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore and a Master’s degree in Health Services Administration (Policy & Management) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in the United States of America.

Leadership Team

Dr Alan Wong
Chief Operating Officer
Dr Alan Wong

Dr Alan Wong
Chief Operating Officer

From March 2023, Dr Alan Wong will oversee SLEC’s Administration, CommCare Academy, Digital Transformation, Facilities Management, Innovation & Digitalisation, IT, Organisational Excellence, Sourcing & Procurement, Transport Office, and New Growth Opportunities. Alan brings to this role his strong business acumen, entrepreneurial mindset, technology competence with operational expertise, and a wealth of experiences to realise SLEC’s commitment to Community Care.

Alan joined SLEC on 25 January 2021 as Senior Director, IT, Digital Transformation and Operations. Alan provided exceptional leadership with the IT blueprint that he crafted for SLEC. He brought transformation for the departments placed in his care. Prior to this, with years of being able to translate agile startup culture with international MNCs, he brings the necessary experience to achieve stakeholder goals and maintain sustainable growth for growing companies. His many years involved in technology make him very adept with delivering Cloud, Cybersecurity, and Asset management solutions.

Alan holds a Doctorate in Business Admin from the Swiss School of Business and Management, Geneva, and is certified in Digital Transformation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated with a Master of Business Admin from the University of South Australia. He is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the National University of Singapore’s School of Continuing and Lifelong Education and a graduate of the University of London BSc Econs (2nd Class Hons) and Ngee Ann Polytechnic Electronics Engineering. He also holds a certification in BCCPE from the Building and Construction Authority, and a Certificate in Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety Internal Auditor (ISO 9001:2015, ISO14001: 2015, ISO45001:2018)

His dissertation focuses on how NPOs stay viable and how to harness the benefits of digitalisation for the Community Care sector.

Alan is also Data Protection Officer (DPO) for SLEC.

Susie Goh
Nursing Services
Susie Goh

Susie Goh
Director of Nursing Services

Susie Goh, as Director of Nursing Services, drives SLEC’s strategic plans and integration of nursing services across all service platforms in Residential-based, Centre-based, Community-based and Home-based Services. She is responsible for raising standards and quality of nursing care across all SLEC services, formulating and implementing new nursing strategies and programmes, and keeping track of emerging technologies and ensuring our nursing teams are ready to adapt to changes in the healthcare environment.

Susie has served faithfully for more than 40 years in both public and private healthcare institutions, and in clinical training and education. In 2011, Susie was awarded the prestigious President’s Award for Nurses, and she also received the Healthcare Humanity Award and MOH Merit Nurses Award in 2003 and 2002 respectively, in recognition of her significant contributions to the nursing community.

Susie graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing from Monash University in 2000. Susie also has deep expertise in wound management, receiving a Wound Management Certificate from the University of South Australia in 1998, a Post Graduate Certificate in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair from Cardiff University in 2005, and a Certificate of Postgraduate Medical Study in Wound Treatment from the University of California in 2008. With her extensive experience and expertise in Wound Care management, Susie is highly sought-after by MOH and within the clinical and community care sector to provide advisory and consultancy services in Wound Care.

Koh Lip Wee
Koh Lip Wee

Koh Lip Wee
Director, Finance

Lip Wee was appointed Director, Finance in July 2023. In his role, he oversees the entire spectrum of finance and treasury/investment functions and plays an instrumental role in driving SLEC’s growth. This encapsulates strategic financial planning and analysis; financial due diligence and advisory; investment returns optimisation; internal controls governance; as well as statutory and operational finance matters. He also ensures effective financial business partnering and long-term financial sustenance by driving resources utilisation efficacy.as well as enforcement of finance/operational policies in compliance with various statutory requirements (including the Charities Act).

Prior to joining SLEC, Lip Wee held senior leadership and regional management roles in both Statutory Board and MNCs for more than 15 years. He was Financial Controller and Head of Finance Division of Sport Singapore (SportSG) from 2012 to 2022 and Regional Group Financial Controller of AXA Wealth Management Asia over 5 years prior.

Lip Wee is a Chartered Accountant (CA) Singapore and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charterholder and a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA). He holds a Bachelor of Science (Economics) (Hons) from the University of London, a Master of Business Administration from University of Bradford, a Master of Science in Urban Science, Policy and Planning from Singapore University of Technology and Design.