Media Coverage
- The Business Times, 17 February 2025: NVPC’s Great Singapore Give campaign encourages more volunteering, donation efforts
- Lianhe Zaobao, 10 March 2025: 交流站:给活跃乐龄中心点赞
- Channel NewsAsia, 2 January 2024: Active ageing centre operators plan to double of workers, offer more services for seniors
- Channel NewsAsia, 10 January 2024: Daily Cuts – Supporting our frail elders in North-East Singapore
- Channel NewsAsia, 10 January 2024: St Luke’s ElderCare’s Punggol centre offers rehabilitation programmes to nearly 70 seniors weekly
- 8world News, 10 January 2024: 圣路加乐龄关怀中心 为年长者提供更多互动性复建项目
- Lianhe Zaobao, 14 January 2024: 圣路加乐龄关怀新榜鹅中心开幕
- Lianhe Zaobao, 14 April 2024: 武吉班让2026年迎第三家疗养院 结合护理和乐龄中心为一体
- Lianhe Zaobao, 14 April 2024: 五机构签谅解备忘录 加强武吉班让社区关爱服务
- 8world News, 23 April 2024, 参加活动男性年长者偏少 活跃乐龄中心更积极推出专属活动
- Channel NewsAsia, 29 April 2024, Steel combat and pool among new activities at active ageing centres aimed at attracting more men
- Shin Min Daily News, 5 July 2024: 机器人技术结合游戏元素助武吉巴督长者复健
- Lianhe Zaobao, 5 July 2024: 运用复健机器人辅助治疗 武吉巴督新康复中心启用
- The Straits Times, 5 July 2024: New Rehabilitation centre brings robotics therapy to the elderly in Bukit Batok community
- Channel 5 News Tonight, 5 July 2024: Rehabilitation services for the elderly
- 8world News, 5 July 2024: 圣路加乐龄关怀日间康复中心 借机器人辅助年长者复建项目
- The Straits Times, 27 July 2024: How food is giving these S’pore seniors a second lease of life
- The Straits Times, 6 August 2024: At least 8 new nursing homes in Singapore in next 5 years
- Lianhe Zaobao, 8 September 2024: 榜鹅综合社区中心开幕 黄总理吁居民携手献策共建美好家园
- 8world News, 13 September 2024: 圣路加乐龄关怀通过AI 鼓励年长者记录人生故事
- Healthcare Asia, 13 September 2024: SingHealth and St Luke’s ElderCare ink MoU to boost community health
- Shin Min Daily News, 13 September 2024: 用人工智能辅助再写自传八旬前教师重拾‘科技信心’
- Lianhe Zaobao, 13 September 2024: 活跃乐龄护理中心用人工智能 助长者留下美好记忆
- The Straits Times, 14 September 2024: AI, technology being used to help seniors tell their life stories, keep active
- Salt&Light, 16 September 2024: “When I feel drained, I remind myself that this is a ministry to God”: Mum who cares for dad with dementia and son with special needs
- Lianhe Zaobao, 20 September 2024: 乐龄科技 完善年长者的医食住行
-, 1 October 2024: How a young introvert discovered his passion to serve the elderly
- 8world News, 2 October 2024, 护联中心增设新社区护理职业发展轨
- Lianhe Zaobao, 2 October 2024, 乐龄人分享家常菜谱 道出人生百味
- The Straits Times, 2 October 2024, Community care career track rolled out for Singapore eldercare sector
- 8world News, 11 October 2024, 蔡厝港惹兰德惠首个活跃乐龄护理中心正式开幕
- Berita Harian, 11 October 2024, Pusat tawar jagaan komuniti bersepadu bagi warga emas dirasmi
- Channel NewsAsia, 11 October 2024, St Luke’s ElderCare, REACH Community Services launch integrated care facility for seniors
- Lianhe Zaobao, 11 October 2024, 蔡厝港新活跃乐龄护理中心 综合服务更全面照顾年长者
- Shin Min Daily News, 11 October 2024, 蔡厝港新活跃乐龄护理中心 更全面照顾年长者 至今约450人受惠
- The New Paper, 11 October 2024, 3-in-1 centre offers integrated community care for seniors
- The Straits Times, 11 October 2024, 3-in-1 centre offers integrated community care for seniors
- Salt&Light, 21 October 2024, 5 tips on holding meaningful conversations with those with dementia
- Salt&Light, 22 October 2024, Even if you forget, God still remembers: How to protect our faith when dementia hits
- Lianhe Zaobao, 27 October 2024, 数据科学家弃高薪 用AI帮老人讲人生故事
- The Straits Times, 29 October 2024, S’pore charities reap benefits from adopting ways to better manage volunteers
- 8world News, 7 November 2024, 圣路加乐龄关怀拟筹3000万元 助力更多年长者受惠
- Lianhe Zaobao, 7 November 2024, 圣路加乐龄关怀五年拟筹3000万元 全面提升社区护理模式与质量
- Salt&Light, 8 November 2024, Transforming community care: St Luke’s ElderCare to raise $30 million to benefit 45,000 elders in the next five years
- The Straits Times, 8 November 2024, St Luke’s ElderCare aims to raise $30m to serve over 45,000 beneficiaries
- The Business Times, 10 November 2024, St Luke’s ElderCare to raise S$30 million for Community Transformation Fund to benefit seniors
- Ageing Asia, 14 November 2024, Celebrating 25 years of impact: St Luke’s ElderCare paves the way for Singapore’s ageing future
- DSGN arcHive, 19 November 2024, Shaping the Future of Eldercare Through Experiential Learning and Technology
- Lianhe Zaobao, 29 November 2024, 新社科大汇聚全球13大学 成立国际综合护理联盟
- The Straits Times, 30 November 2024, Why some people are spending this Christmas season with strangers
- CNA938, 15 December 2024, 25 Years of Touching Lives (Professor Ho Yew Kee Chairman, Board of Directors St Luke’s ElderCare)
- Channel NewsAsia, 3 January 2023: Rapidly ageing Singapore urges seniors to use tech in managing their health
- 8world News, 16 February 2023: 乐龄护理服务业者望当局采取行动 吸引更多人加入行业
- Channel NewsAsia, 16 February 2023: Eldercare providers call for efforts to boost manpower, care integration
- Channel NewsAsia, 23 February 2023: Talking Point – Inside Singapore’s Eldercare Shortage: Who Will Care For Our Old?
- Salt&Light, 2 March 2023: “God draws straight with crooked lines”: St Luke’s ElderCare launches Lenten poetry collection to raise funds for wound care
- Lianhe Zaobao, 6 March 2023: 了解未来经济技能需求 提升竞争能力 立足就业市场
- The Straits Times, 26 May 2023: New active ageing hub in Bishan for seniors to stay engaged with community
- Lianhe Zaobao, 26 May 2023: 碧山活跃乐龄中心开幕 康复社交两不误
- Shin Min Daily News, 26 May 2023: 碧山首个活跃乐龄中心为附近逾3千长者服务
- 8world News, 5 June 2023: 晨光|晨光聚焦:乐龄护理领域如何吸引国人加入?
- Channel NewsAsia, 30 June 2023: Daily Cuts – Youth.Advocates.Seniors! (Y.A.S!) Walkathon 2023
- The Straits Times, 6 August 2023: At least 8 new nursing homes in Singapore in next 5 years
- The Straits Times, 12 October 2023: Healthcare providers must work with range of partners to build healthier communities: Masagos
- Lianhe Zaobao, 12 October 2023: 12周量身定制护理计划 助骨关节炎病患缓解疼痛
- Healthcare Asia, December 2023: Five community care services sign deal for preventive care services in Bukit Panjang
- The Straits Times, 7 January 2022: Growth opportunities as a medical social worker abound in the community care sector
- Lianhe Zaobao, 6 March 2022: 失智症机构与哥本峇鲁基层组织 打造医疗活动设施照顾失智居民
- Salt&Light, 14 April 2022: “God multiplied our loaves and fish!”: The Easter miracle of St Luke’s ElderCare nursing home
- The Straits Times, 5 May 2022: Some nursing home residents go outdoors again, with trishaw rides at park
- Lianhe Zaobao, 29 August 2022: 李总理:能体会人民担心“钱不够用” 全国与社区都有措施助抗通胀
- The Straits Times, 5 September 2022:121 community care staff receive awards to upgrade their skills
- Lianhe Zaobao, 5 September 2022: 121名社区护理人员获颁奖学金深造
- 8world News, 22 October 2022: 新保集团为今年总统挑战慈善 筹得逾110万元善款
- The Straits Times, 28 November 2022: More caregivers of people with dementia in S’pore attending training
- Salt&Light, 19 December 2022: “I thought everything I touched would turn to gold”: He was a wildly successful businessman – until he lost everything
- Lianhe Zaobao, 4 December 2021: 榜鹅综合社区中心One Punggol 明年中旬分阶段启用
- The Straits Times, 10 December 2020: Close to 5,500 jobs available in S’pore’s healthcare sector; 3 in 4 are long-term positions
- The Straits Times, 25 April 2019: Two senior care centres open daily, on public holidays too
- The Straits Times, 6 May 2019: Heritage Trunks programme gets seniors to unpack their memories
- The Straits Times, 26 September 2019: Home caregivers to get more financial help from next month
- The Straits Times, 6 May 2019: New programme looks to develop use of exoskeletons in patient rehab
- The Straits Times, 7 July 2019: Pedalling for Charity
- Channel NewsAsia, 16 August 2018: Keeping older workers employed among ways to improve elderly suicide situation: Experts